Hacking a VTech watch.

Custom home screen wallpapers.

I was thinking that if we go into the system files, there must be a line of code that tells the watch that when we switch the default homescreen wallpaper to another built in one, the piece of code will say something like = HEY! THE USER SET THE WALLPAPER FROM defaultwallpaper.jpg TO fancywallpaper.jpg. SO CHANGE THE WALLPAPER TO fancywallpaper.jpg!

This means if we get ant image we want, and change it's name to fancywallpaper.jpg, it will set thw wallpaper to the custom wallpaper you chose. I have not tested this yet

Custom lock screen wallpapers.

This is very simple. All you have to do is open the DOWNLOAD folder, and open the PHOTO folder. In that folder, upload any .jpg photo.

Next,open the app that is a clock with a photo icon. Click the icon that has a smiley face clock with a plus button. Then, select the photo book icon, and select the uploaded photo.