iddu01's blog
Team Fortress 2, on PS3 - Revived!
Before we start, I just want to say: Happy belated New Year! OK, back to the blog.
Yes, you read that right. A dedicated team of modders has revived the PlayStation 3 version of Team Fortress 2!
Before we start, a little bit of PS3 TF2 backstory...
Team Fortress 2 is a multiplayer first-person shooter game released by Valve. It is the sequel to the 1996 Team Fortress mod for Quake and was released in 2007. The PS3 version is a bit different though...
The PS3 port of TF2 came with The Orange Box for PS3. It also was not made by Valve. Instead, Electronic Arts, or EA, were the people that made the PS3 port. You may be thinking: "Ok, so what's so bad about EA making
TF2 for the PS3? And that's where disaster struck...
When EA made TF2 for the PS3, they made it so you have to connect to their servers if you want to play the game. Even if you want to play locally, with no multiplayer, you will be faced with a "Cannot connect to EA
Servers" screen. A picture will be included below (maybe)
The Xbox 360 version of the Orange Box does not have this problem, as Valve designed the 360 version, and made it connect to their servers. Also, Valve has NOT shut down their servers. (as of 2/5/2025)
So, how were the servers revived?
A genius developer & modder, that goes by @wav3 on Discord, figured out how to reverse engineer the servers to connect to a custom server. In fact, you can make your own server, which I shall cover in another blog post.
But other people did work, too! @XAD on discord, who is the RE:TF2_PS3's discord server's admin, also did some work trying to fix the server, (as of my knowledge.). Also, @Spring Lane XI did a LOT of work as well! So, if you are wondering
who to thank, thank them!
Things to keep in mind:
-This will only work on RPC3S (ps3 pc emulator). It has not been tested yet.
-A non modded PS3 may work, if Real PS3 hardware ever comes. However, it is extremely unlikely, as you need to modify game files to do this mod.
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End of blog post.
Thanks for reading!